Conferences and know how transfer events can bring millions euro Because of this those economics activites had become the most profitable business
which can be made and they had been included in
Business opportunities which bring more than 25% profit in less than 75 days
and also in business where money invested monday can start bringuing high profit in friday Because of this and some other reasons i had decided to present in this link
""Why know transfer events which can be combined with special touristics products are so profitable ""
For this purpose companies must know differents things they have to do in order to achieve those objectives
In this document i will present a practical example about what can be done
In order to understand the strategies which can be used to organise a conference and get righ profit we will identify a grave probleme which are affecting Europe Union
Due to differents problems i had presented in this link strategic investors are leaving EU
""Billions of euro are going out from EU economy and millions of people are lossing their jobs ""
Solution to solve the problem
Organise conferences about
1) Businesses opportunities which bring more than 25% profit in less than 75 days
2) Businesses opportunities where money invested monday can start bringuing high profit from friday
1) In the first step in order to attract a big number of entrepreneurs ,investors ,to a location ,conferences organizer website and like this help the company to sales products and services they can do the following things
a) In the first step we are going to create an economic session in a location ,conferences organizer website and start presenting usefull contents about different problems which are affecting entrepreneurs ,investors economic activities
b) After that we will send an invitation to chamber of commerce ,business organizations form different countries ,to follow those contents
Using this strategy from the first day
1) This project can help a location ,conferences organizer,to attract to their websites ,strategics investors ,entrepreneurs ,professionals ,officialls ,tourists ,and reach people from different world wild countries
2) Apart of this in less than 27 second the company will get the most active investors ,entrepreners professionals email adress and in less than 3 minutes he will get also investors entrepreneurs ,and professionals mobile phone
This is an awesome strtategy There is no other project in this world which can help a country ,company ,institute ,to get strategics investoirs and professionals most active email adresses and mobile phone
and their accept to receive sms and email from a company ,in such efficiently way and in less than 3 minutes Given that 97% of mobile users read test mesaje they receive within 15 minutes ,this is a fantastic strategy a company can use
How all those things can be done in less than 3 minutes
According to the exemple i am giving we will create a document with important informations they will need to know ,and when they will reach in the location ,conferences organizer website they will find a boton where they will download free the document,
When they will reach one the page appart of some other things they will find an invitation to wach a video For this purpose they will send free a sms using the word ""video ""to a certain telephone number gived by the programme
By this occasion we will get their telephone number and their email
Using this strategy this project will help a location ,conferences organizer to have dozens thousands of world wild entrepreneurs ,investors ,tourists ,professionals ,officials emails and mobile phone number
Like this beford a location ,conference organizer will organise his first conferences ,using the email contacts and the telephones numbers they have what any company needs to develop his business
Due to this from the first beguining of this project the companies parteners will start saling their products and services they have in this moment
According to Europe Union recommendation there is two ways of making a know how transfer from a research center to entrepreneurs
One of them consists in what i have presented here ,and it have link with the following thing After some researches activities are done in order to make knowlages ,concepts to arrive in entrepreneurs range and use them to increase sales get more profit and create jobs ,
if the research center will publish contents about researches issues ,and then they will send and invitation to different chamber of commerce ,businesses organizations ,they are doing a transfer of know how
which is happening in less than a minute But in this case as you can see we did not do just this we had collected email adresses and mobile phone of investors ,entrepreneurs who are ready to leave Europe Union
Because of the strategic importance of this project a location conference organizer or company will be finaced with priority not just in an Europe Union country but in any other place they will implement this project
Due to this fact this project will bring millions Euro just as European financement
Givig that a big parte of solutions we will present will help all the 28 EU countries to solve their priorities problems ,and in our specific exemples every EU country must do what is necessary to get strategics investor entrepreneurs email adressses ,and mobile phone
than ,a location ,conferences organizer can get EU founds and Government supports from different EU countries using the same procedure and concept project
By this occasion after they will demonstrate that they are making a know how transfer to entrepreneurs ,from every EU separated country,they can receive EU founds in every separated EU country
Different strategics company will be interested to associate with such project because they will know that conferences organizers will have
1) A powerfull data base with world wild strategics investors emails adresses ,mobile phone and accept to send them informations about the projects which will be implemented and business interests of companies which will become partener
2) Taking into consideration that for every EU country it will be created a powerfull data base with entreprenors ,professionals ,investors email adresees and mobile phone ,companies will have a greate change to help different other companies from those EU countries to advertise in a very effective way their products and services
3) Given that with some weeks beford they will be informed which contend will be published ,they can be interested to associate the image of their brand with that content but this is not all because the contents authors can make positive references about them if their products or services have a direct link of the issue ,present them as a positive study case related with a specific mode to solve a certain problem
4) Taking into consideration that the contents will be released also as video and pod cast ,and by this is also a great opportunity to help differents companies to win visibility among a special target formed by entrepreneurs ,professionals etc
5) Apart of those modes to help differents companies to get a better visibility among world wild,EU ,local and regional investors entrepreneurs ,the second part of this project will offere possibility to conference organisers to present 7 differents ways a company associate his image with those project and win a better visibility
1) In any know how transfer events an image association and partenership with a University help a project to get more credibility
2) As i have said one of the first objective of this project is to help a location ,conference organizer to attract a large number of investors ,entrepreneurs ,professionals ,tourist ,to his website and by this occasion increase sales of their actual products and services
For this purpose is very important to create video and pod casts contents Given that for this reasons we need to select and prepare people who will present those videos and record the post cast ,from the buguning a location ,conference organizer can collaborate with a University or a business school
By this occasion in order to select students we can crate a vote system which will help a conference organiser to promote his services they are offering now world wild ,and also differents conferences themes
,This will be possible because students will send link to their relatives ,coleges and friends to vote them
Taking into consideration that by this occasion those who will like to vote will press a botton to acess the page and in that moment the system will collect their most active email ,the one they use to login in facebook this will be another greate opportunity to create another powerfull data base with email and phoner number of a large number of students and their friends coleges,families and relatives who are going to vote them ,by this occasion companies will create a powerfull date base with a target any bank ,smartphone ,internet provider ,and differents other goods producer will like Due to this fact different strategic companies which use to allocate millions euros in advertising will like to become on those projects
As you are going to see the second part of this project is a continuity of the first part and it happen because things will be donme in such a professional way after world wild entrepreneurs will follow the contents they will like to know as much informations about the respectives issues as it can be possible
Given that in the first part of this project everything was happening in the digital world ,know the second part of this project will have the main strategy to give them possibilities to meet people from the country in the real world
For this purpose it will be organised conferences which will be combined with special touristics products
1) Given that it must be created specials touristics products which will be combined with the know how transfer events ,and for this purpose there a lot of things which must be done ,this will generate a specific project which can be finaced with priority by Europe union
2) As it is very important to EU to make a large number of world wild strategics investors to know about those businesses opportunities which can bring more than 25% profit in less than 75 days ,and also it must be promoted in the righ way the touristics products ,we had created a sophisticated digital science platphorma though what immigrants ,students ,will do it and get cash money Taking into consideration this will help people to get money appart of their salary ,and like this they will have possibility to by purchase more goods ,this specific part of this project will help Eu economy to encouraje good consuming ,descourage ,crimes prostitution ,narcotic trafic etc
3) Given that unemployed people ,immigrants ,students will need to know how they must use the platphorma and get cash money ,at this occasion it will be organised courses for this purpose
4) Taking into consideration that one of the priority strategy to reduce unemployment is to encourage in positive way immigrants to go back to their country ,this project will help Europe Union to achieve this objective ,because it will be created some corses and when immigrants will finish them they will be motivated to go to Maroco ,Tunisia ,Egipt ,Nigeria ,Ghana to teach people how to promote EU bussiness ..and get money
5) Taking into consideration beford the events it will be organised a show and after a party ,this project will help EU to achive a very specific goals because by this ocassion this parte of this project will generate a link with a text EU and Governemtn x can help you to valorise your talent and get cash money
6) For this purpose it needs to be implemented a very motivational projects with the major scope to select and prepared the most beautiful and skilled young people who will make video ,perfome in those show ,parties etc As by this ocassion this project will help Eu to reduce Youth unemployement this and all the previous projects can be finaced with priority by Europe Union
7) According to this project things will be done exactly the way Brazilians and Cape Verdena use to do during the preparation for Carnival At this occasion after the art and entertainment traing it will be organised a party Taking into conmsideration that during the art and entertainment training it will be made photos ,video etc this special part of this project will require a multimedia activity productions
8) Giving that one of the other ways to get emails mobile phones and create data base id to organise Hangouts ,this project will create jobs in differents areas which have link with the hangouts entire process of organising
9) Apart of those jobs it will be created some other because by this ocassion we will select and prepare professionals ,students who can become speakers for 10 -15 minutes at different conferences
10 ) Taking into consideration that all video photo ,shows ,parties ,webinars ,hangouts training ,will generalt very usefull and interesting contents ,by this ocassion it will be published ebooks ,tools ,apps ,which can be downloaded world wild with 10 -15 euros